Writing articles and blogs is a great way of engaging potential clients when they visit your website. Of course, when you're busy running a business or a marketing department, you probably don't have time to be a great writer too, no matter how much your website is crying out for powerful blogs and helpful articles.
Let Central Coast Copywriting & Marketing help you. From a simple 200 word blog to a lengthy how-to article, we will write as much or as little as you need. You can get a lot of value out of one blog or article: add it to your website, use it in email marketing and share it on your Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Blogs and articles are also valuable SEO tools. At Central Coast Copywriting & Marketing, we will blend your keywords into the content and include metatags for your website. All our content is original.
Choose topics that are likely to interest, educate or inform your target audience. If you can help people to solve a problem, you'll be remembered as an expert in your industry, even if it doesn't result in an immediate sale.
*Please avoid plagiarism. If you're sending a draft to us for editing, please note that we do not edit content that has been written by a third party, unless they have given permission. This would be classed as plagiarism. Please only send us your original content. If you've seen an article that you love and want to share on your website, why not email the author and ask permission to reproduce or edit it? You'll be surprised how many people will say yes, so long as they are cited as the original author.
Our copywriting service is based on the Central Coast, NSW, and we work with clients throughout Australia. Please call 0414 510950 today.